The Amanco Sewer line has three series, with a complete portfolio to meet all projects. The Normal series is a conduction and storage system for sanitary sewage, rainwater and ventilation. It is used in building sanitary sewage installations, non-pressurized gravity flow and in system ventilation, with peak temperature class CT 45°C. Complies with NBR 5688 – Constructive system for rainwater, sanitary sewage and ventilation – PVC pipes and fittings, type DN – Requirements. Line manufactured in white PVC with stiffness class SN-1500 Pa.

The Reforzada series is also a conduction and storage system for sanitary, storm and vent wastewater. It is used in sewage installations considered terminal, such as down pipes, sub-collectors, dishwasher discharge branches and rainwater collectors in vertical works. It has unpressurized gravity flow and system venting, with peak temperature class CT 75°C.
The Amanco Silentium system is the first PVC solution designed to reduce the problem of noise in hydraulic installations, with a system of proven quality and performance, which allows professionals, installers and builders to meet the desirable noise requirements, adding an indispensable added value: the comfort of silence. 1.2 Mounting length. Both the total length (CT) and the assembly length (CM) of Amanco Pipes comply with the Brazilian standardization.
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Amanco Wavin Brasil product line
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Biaxial y PVC-U
Our PVC-O and PVC-U pipe and accessories system are the practical and efficient solution for the conduction of drinking water. In addition, they have adequate drainage buried under pressure.
Pavco Wavin Cold Water
In Simple Pressure System (Welding) we have pipes in sizes from 1/2 ″ to 6 ″ in Class 10 and 15 for a working pressure of 10 and 15 bar respectively.
Pipes manufactured under the NTP 399.003 standard in two classes: Light and Heavy. We have a variety of more than 140 connections which we have available in Organic Gray.
Hot Water CPVC
CPVC pipes are designed to work continuously at a hydrostatic pressure of 100 psi (6.89 bar or 6.8 bar) and a temperature of 82 ° C.
Electric Line
PVC pipes and connections are manufactured under the NTP 399.006 standard in two classes, light (SEL) and heavy (SAP), which are available in organic gray.
Pavco manufactures FM Approved HDPE pipe from resin with a minimum cell rating of 445474C per ASTM D3350, classified PE 4710 per ASTM F714, and PE 100 per ISO 4427.
Novafort pipe has an extruded double wall structure; smooth interior that provides maximum hydraulic performance due to its low roughness and corrugated exterior that gives it structural properties superior to other plastic pipes

Agua Fría
En Sistema Simple Presión (Pegado) contamos con tuberías en medidas desde 1/2″ hasta 6″ en Clase 10 y 15 para una presión de trabajo de 10 y 15 bar respectivamente.

Tuberías fabricadas bajo la norma NTP 399.003 en dos clases: Liviana y Pesada. Contamos con una variedad de más de 140 conexiones las cuales tenemos disponibles en Gris Orgánico.

Agua Caliente CPVC
Las tuberías de CPVC están diseñadas para trabajar en forma continua a una presión hidrostática de 100 psi (6.89 bar ó 6.8 bar) y una temperatura de 82ºC.

Línea Eléctrica
Tuberías y conexiones de PVC fabricadas según la norma NTP 399.006 en dos clases, livianas (SEL) y pesadas (SAP), disponibles en color gris orgánico.

Pavco fabrica tubería de HDPE aprobada por FM a partir de resina con una clasificación de celda mínima de 445474C según ASTM D3350

La tubería Novafort tiene una estructura de doble pared extruida; interior liso que otorga máximo rendimiento hidráulico por su baja rugosidad y exterior corrugada

Biaxial y PVC-U
Nuestro sistema de tuberías y accesorios de PVC-O y PVC-U son la solución práctica y eficiente para la conducción de agua potable.